Rick Perlstein:
Public schools are where young people encounter ways of being and thinking that may directly contradict those they were raised to believe; there really is no way around it. Schools are where future adults receive tools to decide which ideas and practices to embrace and which to reject for themselves. Schooling, done properly, is the opposite of conservatism. So is it any wonder it frequently drives conservatives berserk?
The panics have unfolded like clockwork, in just about every decade of the twentieth and twenty-first century. You can see it in the titles of books and pamphlets going back a hundred years: Hell and the High School (1923); They Want Your Child! (1948); Brainwashing in the High Schools: An Examination of Eleven American History Textbooks (1958); What They Are Doing to Your Children (1964); Is the Schoolhouse the Proper Place to Teach Raw Sex? (1968). Even the dry bureaucratic version propounded by Ronald Reagan’s most conservative cabinet member, Education Secretary William Bennett, sounded the same high-pitched culture alarms when it declared in a report on school performance that the United States was A Nation at Risk (1983).
Really, the only thing mysterious about this long tradition of backlash is why, every time it has happened in our own lifetimes, does it feel as though liberals are responding like it’s the very first time, with no effective playbook to draw on to fight back? They tend to respond, well, like liberals, with open minds: maybe these conservatives sort of have a point? So perhaps some good-faith negotiations are in order: maybe if we accept certain of their proposed reforms that seem sound, society and its schools will emerge even stronger, and then some of the acrid divisions will abate . . .
To understand the problem with this reasonable-seeming solution, consider a case study from more than forty years ago, with the cultural earthquake of the 1960s still visible in the rearview mirror and the Reagan presidency just over the horizon. It can help us understand how reasonable reform is never the goal of these crusades. Give them an inch, and they will take a mile. Because ultimately, what they’re after is crushing the power of their children—and all of ours—to choose their own life: to, in other words, acquire the ability to become free.
I think he’s got it wrong, or at least he’s inaccurate, when he says “Because ultimately, what they’re after is crushing the power of their children—and all of ours—to choose their own life: to, in other words, acquire the ability to become free.”
What they are actually objecting to is their (or, to be fair, anybody else’s) children being taught to think for themselves. Rather than just blindly accepting anything and everything that their parents say. Thinking — a sure sign of the Apocalypse on the horizon, and closing fast.
the two seem very similar, to me.
Similar, but not the same. After all, if the kids can think, and because they can think they do not choose your view, that says something horrifying about your view. And they aren’t likely to come back.
Whereas if the kids merely choose something different, well kids rebel against their parents all the time. Often, in my experience, rather blindly. That is, they aren’t choosing something different on it’s perceived merits, but just because it is different. Much less threatening. And besides, they might well get over it, once they’re secure in adulthood.
I see. I see
Perhaps it’s both? Or, thinking and blindly rebelling can lead to the same kinds of outcomes, and parents of kids who have chosen differently blame “thinking” all the same ?
No kids here, tho. So…
wj, your increasingly persistent negativity and apocalypse -mongering is becoming a growing concern across the worldwide weblows.
Surely, there are many remaining lines to draw in the sand before certain doom, in the person of half the country, tires of crossing them with utter impunity.
It reminds me of me, which is never a good thing.
Add numerous jokey emojis to this comment. Take care.
I do my poor best.
“wj, your increasingly persistent negativity and apocalypse -mongering is becoming a growing concern across the worldwide weblows.”
This made me laugh.