WOTD: Malicious compliance

Malicious compliance (also known as malicious obedience) is the behavior of strictly following the orders of a superior despite knowing that compliance with the orders will have an unintended or negative result. It usually implies following an order in such a way that ignores or otherwise undermines the order's intent, but follows it to the letter.

Source: Malicious compliance - Wikipedia

17 thoughts on “WOTD: Malicious compliance

  1. nooneithinkisinmytree

    They keep telling me these conservative movement monsters are not going to murder me and my friends and loved ones:


    In the vein of “nothing is funny any longer”, I suppose there might be other explanations:

    Mannequins tend to vote for woke commie liberals and therefore must be liquidated.

    Texas Republican super manly men animal conservatives are known to shoot their blow-up young boy sex dolls for fear they might bring their mannequin fetuses to term and then we’ll have to provide them with healthcare.

    Most conservative movement pizza joints also run child mannequin sex doll molestation parlors in their basements, especially in Texas, where the Governor Abbott-authored how-to book “Sex Dummies For Crippled Dummies” is a best seller.

    Free pirate eye patches and t-shirts for mannequin shoot-outs in your backyards.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene sorted out the Jewish and Gay mannequins for killing by Texas men with inadequate manhoods.

    The Founding Father originalists and Andrew Jackson identified dummy Alexander Hamilton and his bank as someone and something to be terminated.

    Lauren Boebert

    That’s right. Lauren Boebert.

    Have you seen HER ears?

  2. nooneithinkisinmytree

    I’m doing well, Ugh.

    I think of you often, especially when lurking at OBWI and whomever it is expresses their displeasure with whatever the subject is by ending a comment with an exclamatory “UGH!” ;-)

    My thoughts on Kamala Harris:

    Well, we will see the most racist, misogynist, turd-flinging campaign from the subhuman enemies jerking off to run the country into the crypto-Christian, fascist ground, first of all.

    What will be interesting is watching performative white sharecroppers like Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Ben Carson, Byron “I like me some of that Jim Crow” Donalds, Ye, Candace Owens, and joined by vaguely Asian Indian rightwingers like Vivek Ramaswami, Nikki Haley, Dinesh Kali D’Souza, and their ilk (my immigration policies would not consider country of origin, but rather right-wing fascist attitudes, when considering who to deny admittance to my country; so no more Asian Indians or Cubans; Marco Rubio is a Cuban shitheel anchor baby especially chosen by Russian Communists to infiltrate, embed, and disrupt America, yet another Putin hand puppet; those Soviets planned for the very long term), first of all, put a wife-beating on the uppity Kamala, and then don their hoods and lynch the woman.

    Who better but a fake racist white hillbilly to form the noose and lead the mob?

    It will be horrific. She’ll handle it. I counsel her to wear a loaded weapon at all times, to get with the cool kids.

    I fully expect Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney to drop the principled kabuki act and endorse the truly EVIL Donald Trump on election eve.

    As to whomever should beat Trump, unfortunately, thus far, we can’t do it physically, but those rules will be soon out the window, given the arming of America accomplished by the genocidal conservative movement over the past decades (a bump stock in every garage), if it takes a toaster oven, or a pickle fork, or an asteroid, I’ll vote for those.

    Happily, if Trump wins, this will be the last election in America and I won’t have to go to the trouble in the future of searching my conscience when filling out a ballot (Gosh, Hitler IS a bit off the rails, but these others want to raise my taxes and make me breath clean air, the meddlers. What to do, what to do?), and we can return to more primitive ways of deciding who runs the joint, as we should have in 2000 and 2016.

    In closing, I resent that my tax dollars are stolen from me to protect any Republican and conservative politician from harm’s way.

    It seems to prevent necessary many Jeffersonian dictums on leadership changes in America.

    Do we want Trump et al, or do we want America?

    I’m having trouble telling the difference. The latter birthed the former. He is America’s apotheosis.

    Take it easy, Ugh, and cleek.

  3. nooneithinkisinmytree

    To observe the sanctity of both-sideism, Bob Menendez should be executed for his high crimes.

    He and Rubio are supporting protestors in Cuba while holding that freedom and free market capitalism in America means the elevation of theft, lying, bribery, hate, fraud, gun violence, election-stealing, and destroying the Other as America’s highest ideals.

  4. nooneithinkisinmytree

    He is a cripple inside, the legs don’t work, but his kness do jerk in rhythm with Nazi Hitler and Stalinist Russia at every fascist opportunity:


    Meanwhile, Trump keeps bringing up the magnificence of Hannibal Lechter’ appetite for human flesh.

    Am I now to be eaten too by Subhuman Christian Conservative Cannibals? The SCCC!

    One wonders if DeSantis’s banning of the seeling and distribution of Impossible Meats in Florida is the prelude to a major dietary change for the zombie filth in the Republican Party.

    Get rid of Head Start and just eat the kids.

    Harris should throw her support behind this effort and give Texas vermin a deadline to get the eff out of my country.


    And then schedule the moving of the triple razor wire to Texas’ northern, eastern, and western borders with the real America.

    Begin discussing tactical nuclear weaponization of our border with Soviet Texas as well.

    Russian media supports the traitorous Texas secession movement.

    Looks like Harris should double our nuclear deterrent to combat the coming two-front World War with our mortal, subhuman enemies.

  5. Girl from the North Country

    I haven’t checked in here for a while, my mistake. Count, do you truly think Liz Cheney and Romney will eventually kiss the ring if Trump wins?

  6. nooneithinkisinmytree

    “Count, do you truly think Liz Cheney and Romney will eventually kiss the ring if Trump wins?”

    Not “if Trump wins”, but on election eve. Trump has people going after both of them, proferring payoffs, ransoms, prosecutions, and/or public and political death for the two of them.

    Romney is much more likely to do so, as his offshore accountant cheats feed him tax crapola about Harris. Plus, he’ll be struck off the IRS audit list for life should he lapdance for Trump.

    The wind blows and Romney is as predictable as the sucking sound of a deep low-pressure zone. Except on Supreme Court Judges. He’s as ruthlessly undemocratic as McConnell on that score.

    The two of them voted nearly unanimously for every Trump-favored policy debacle. That they voted to impeach him too does not undo any of that.

    They voted for him in 2016 knowing full well what a monster he is.

    Cheney might have to be tortured to bend for Trump, but maybe her Dad will tell her torture is not such a bad thing. The secret is to relax.

    I’ve written dumber and less likely things, but the conservative movement seems to sink to my level every time.

    Like some dogs, they’ll chase any ball I throw over the cliff. Even a bowling ball.

    I can’t out-limbo them.

    Hope you are doing well, GFTNC.

  7. Girl from the North Country

    I am doing well, or as well as possible pending the election – I imagine all our stress levels will ratchet up and up for the next 3 months. I was in a state of extreme freakout after the debate, but the US ObWi commentariat seemed pretty united in the view that Biden stepping down would be a disaster, and that the whole thing was being exaggerated and got up by the media, so I didn’t (for once) know what to think. They have segued seamlessly to Harris, apparently not just because it’s the only game in town, and I certainly am feeling a whole lot more optimistic. Optimism is not exactly your middle name, but I hope nonetheless that you find a way to keep your stress levels down – your having a stroke would not help nobody. Stay well, Count.

  8. nooneithinkisinmytree

    I’m in excellent health.

    Had a little bike mishap recently but my breath is fresh, my heart robust, and my eyes are clear.

    My blood pressure is normal and steady.

    I’m in love. The two of us will be in Scotland in September.

    I still think D-Day will succeed. And the Battle of Chattanooga opened the road for Sherman to march to the sea.

    As John Lennon said to Paul McCartney when they were on the verge, while lowering his glasses, “Paul, it’s just me.”

  9. Girl from the North Country

    Love! It’s all you need, or so I’ve been told. I’m very glad indeed for you, Count. Long may it last…

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