Zen of the Japanese Highball

The mizuwari (aka whiskey & water):

“Stir a single piece of carved ice in the glass until the sides start to chill. Pour off the melted water. Pour a measure of whiskey over the ice, add one more piece to bring the liquid and ice to a level point in the glass, and stir thirteen and a half times, clockwise. Add the third piece of ice, and top off with two-thirds of a measure of mineral water. Stir clockwise, three and a half times. Nestle the bar spoon underneath the base of the ice, and lift upwards to fully homogenize the whiskey and water. Without jostling or stirring the drink any further, softly draw the spoon from the glass. Serve.”

I've been stirring counterclockwise all these years. No wonder they never came out right. Duh.

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