8 thoughts on “Things I Did Not Know

  1. MikeJ

    That was something I did know.

    I have a fond spot in my heart for Baker street. When I lived in The Smoke, my best friend lived on the next street over from Baker. The Foo Fighters cover seemed to come up on my mp3 player often as I rode the tube to Baker St station.

    Of course my mp3 player held a massive 32mb, so things did tend to repeat a lot. People who grew up lugging around CDs or cassettes didn’t find having only an album or two too much of a hardship.

    Funnily enough, in the video for the song, many of the shots are down (I think) Marylebone Rd. Of course you wouldn’t be able to read the “Baker St” sign on the cross road if they had shot down Baker.

  2. Cris

    “Baker Street” really is a well-crafted song. But I will admit that the reason I knew Gerry Rafferty was in Stealer’s Wheel is because Stephen Wright says so in Reservoir Dogs.

    (Things I did not know: that it’s “Stealer’s.” I assumed they were Pittsburg Steelers fans.)

  3. cleek

    it does sound like him, but … wait. last week, Wiki said it the other guy sang it. this week, it says it’s Rafferty.

    damn you, unreliable Wiki!

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