Balloon Juice Disemvoweller / Pie Filter

Because the others are so useful, I've created a Greasemonkey script for Balloon Juice, to disemvowel comments from users you don’t like. It works the same as the others, and the same caveats apply (works based on the name the commenter uses, etc). In addition to good old dsmvwllng, it also has options for replacing […]

New Disemvoweller / Pie Filter: Matthew Yglesias' Blog

New pie filter, for M.Y.'s ThinkProgress blog, here. Because the others are so useful, I've created a Greasemonkey script for Matthew Yglesias' blog, to disemvowel comments from users who aren't worth reading. It works the same as the others, and the same caveats apply (works based on the name the commenter uses, etc). In addition […]

Washington Monthly Disemvoweller / Pie Filter

Because the last one was so much fun, I've created a Greasemonkey script for to disemvowel comments from users you don't like. It works basically the same as the ObWi version, and the same caveats apply (works based on the name the commenter uses, etc). In addition to good old dsmvwllng, it also has […]

Obsidian Wings Disemvoweller / Pie Filter

I wrote a little Greasemonkey script for Obsidian Wings that will automagically disemvowel comments from users you don't want to read. In addition to good old dsmvwllng, it also has options for replacing their text with a nice white-on-black    REDACTED   , or to make the text really small: Look at me, I'm small!. Updated: Now with […]

BJ Pie Update

Bug fix: sometimes the pie would not happen. Haven't figured out the root why, but i fixed the symptom. Download and install, here. This is v3.0.2. (general pie filter info, here

No Pie For MY

Matt Yglesias's blog finally has a usable comment system! Hooray. Unfortunately, it uses Disqus, which means I can't write a pie filter for it. Sorry! Given that half of the regular commenters there are trolls, and half of the rest are blithering idiots, and that I now have no way to filter any of them, […]

Dynamic Pie!

Just FYI, I've taught the Pie Filters how to call back to to get new pie strings on the fly. Our estimates indicate that this should increase your pleasure by 15%. Today's secret word is "BJAX". Drink your Ovaltine.

The Modern Lovers

A favorite new band : The Modern Lovers. (New to me, anyway) There are few things I love more than finding a band that stylistically links other bands - one that drops neatly into the gap between two bands that sound somewhat similar. Suddenly, the connections become obvious, and I draw another node into my […]

OSS Simple Sabotage

The "Simple Sabotage Field Manual" (Office of Strategic Services, 1944) describes many amusing ways a saboteur can wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting enemy. In addition to describing many ways you can break electronics and foul mechanical systems (pour sand into machines! jam a pencil into air filters!), it has a large section on how to […]