The Wages Of War

via Crooks and Liars:

Hannity: I've actually had an idea -- no one listens to little ol' Sean Hannity. But I'm like -- I think the Iraqis, with all their oil resources, need to pay us back for their liberation. Every single solitary penny. Because we really need --

Johnson: I really thought that from the beginning. I thought that that was kind of, part of the equation.

Hannity: It should have been part of the deal.

Johnson: Should have been part of the deal.

Hannity: I think it should be now. I think they owe us a lot for that.

Should we charge by the bomb, or by the number of deaths we caused ? Either way, we'd make out like bandits. And I encourage Sean Hannity to go knock on Mr. Iraq's door and demand payment for services rendered.

4 thoughts on “The Wages Of War

  1. The Modesto Kid

    Picturing Hannity saying “It should have been part of the deal.” and Johnson echoing, “Should have been part of the deal.” makes me want to curl up and die. And I’m going to have to wait until this evening before I can play some music…

  2. cleek

    “the deal”. yeah. hey, remember when Bush and Iraq negotiated that “deal” ?

    Bush was all like “… and after we decimate Iraq and occupy it for 7 years, you’ll pay us back, right”

    and Saddam was all like “You die in Hell, Bush!”

    and Bush was all like “Hehhehheh. OK, I know this will anger little ol’ Sean Hannity, but nobody listens to him anyway. So, OK. You won’t have to pay.”

    and Saddam was all like “OK then! it’s a deal. Come on in!”

  3. MikeJ

    It is traditional after you beat up a kid on the playground to take his lunch money.

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