
And here I was hoping we could continue discussing (as a nation) the GOP's freakout over the student speech. I had no idea that the GOP would kick the disrespect and petty dickishness up to a hilarious new level.

Calling the president a liar on TV?

During a time of war? ZOMG!

Way to demonstrate for the whole country just what a bunch of petulant little douchebags you are.

It's like Obama doesn't even have to try - the GOP has whipped itself into such a frenzy that it can't even maintain a semblance of decorum in his presence. They turn into stampy little children, all red-faced and squinty.

Obama should just walk around the Capitol with a camera crew, egging-on the GOP hotheads and lunatics. See if he can get one to take a swing at him.

Update: looks like the guy who will challenge this little pissant has raised over $160,000 on actBlue (and growing by the second) since the speech last night. Goodbye Joe Wilson.

Update 2: Joe Wilson's supporters have put up a donation page to counter the evil liberal challenger. So far, he has raised $170. Goodbye Joe Wilson.

6 thoughts on “Wha!

  1. Shimmy

    I’ll be on the second freight car to Montreal, but the whole time I’ll be thinking, “Obama should’ve just walked around the Capitol with a camera crew, egging-on the GOP hotheads and lunatics. See if he could’ve got one to take a swing at him.”

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