Rocket Science

Investor's Business Daily is stupid and wants you to be stupid too:

The U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) basically figures out who deserves treatment by using a cost-utility analysis based on the "quality adjusted life year."

One year in perfect health gets you one point. Deductions are taken for blindness, for being in a wheelchair and so on.

The more points you have, the more your life is considered worth saving, and the likelier you are to get care.

People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.

Stephen Hawking is British, and lives in the UK, of course.

8 thoughts on “Rocket Science

  1. Rob Caldecott

    Lost for words! The whole national health-care debate on your side of the pond is baffling to us Brits. Why wouldn’t you want universal health-care paid for by everyone? Oh yeh, Marxism. :|

  2. Fleem

    That this is even a debate at all makes me want to barf.

    I’ve seen completely outrageous, sickening commercials on the fricking Food Network (didn’t want to quit watching but I will). I argue with the conservative tool friends of Facebook friends whenever I see this topic come up.

    I’m just so pissed off.

  3. cleek

    the US is chock-full of lunatics. and they’re led by a party that literally thinks beating Obama on this issue is more important than fixing our fucked-up health care system.

  4. Bobby Lightfoot

    My day gig puts me in daily contact with th’ Great Unwashed and the shit they believe makes me want to drink Pinesol.

    It’s one thing when you can put up the numbers and debate, but when the fucking Cross Burners get one set of numbers from Fox or whatever and you get a completely different set from normal (i.e. international) media sources you can’t even make a cogent argument. Fucking hopeless. what a bunch of fucking peasants.

    Reagan knew what he was doing when he started up the whole Dismantle And Stupidize The Middle Class thing. He really was a genius- he created a nearly indomitable Droid Army. Stupid, flag-wavin’ hood wearers. With Decreased Education Budgets Anything Is Possible. Good Times. It’s like fuckin’ ’95 all over again.

    I forgot how much more effective th’ Stupid Right is when they have justice and progress to push against.

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