Congress may extend daylight-saving time

Sweet !

But why?

    "The more daylight we have, the less electricity we use,' said [Rep. Ed Markey], who cited Transportation Department estimates that showed the two-month extension would save the equivalent of 10,000 barrels of oil a day.

10,000 of some things is a lot. Is is a lot of oil ?

    The country uses about 20 million barrels of oil a day.


2 thoughts on “Congress may extend daylight-saving time

  1. Gordon

    I think the savings would be more than offset by the power needed to run air conditioners longer each day in warm climates. This is one of the reasons Arizona doesn’t use Daylight Saving. They need another hour of desert heat like they need another itchy butthole. Silly.

  2. Anonymous

    doing the math, it’s a nice tidy little savings in the oil spending spree side of things. On the other hand, regardless of what the clock tells me, I’ll sleep when tired and turn on a light to better see with. Doesn’t matter to me what day of the year it is.

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