
Know what I hate?

Pop-up menus that appear when you simply move your mouse over something. For example, msnbc.com has a bunch of them down the left side of their main page; whenever I go there, my mouse inevitably triggers one of the menus, which jumps into the middle of the page and nearly fills it (in my default browser size) from top to bottom. The way to get rid of it is to move off the menu. So, having nowhere to go up or down, I move my mouse to the right, which inevitably causes a sub-menu to pop up since I've moved over one of the little sub-menu icons on the side of the first menu. Then I get all aggravated and frustrated and I end up wiggling my mouse around like I'm trying to shake off a booger, trying to get the friggin menus to go away. All I really have to do is patiently move it off the menu and sit for a second, but the thing has already pissed-me off and I just want it to GO AWAY!!!

I'm tempted to write myself a GreaseMonkey script to rewrite their HTML to kill that popup stuff.

Maybe I should just give up this computer stuff altogether... Too much aggravation.

One thought on “Hates

  1. The Modesto Kid

    Yep, those suck. Worst one I’ve seen yet is at spanishdict.com, where a auto complete drops down as you’re typing — if your mouse pointer is hovering over somewhere where the autocomplete now is, then item under your mouse pointer will be selected and the input box will forget about what you’re typing. You have to press escape or move the mouse and click, for things to get back to normal.

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