
Nikon D100, 105mm macro

And that concludes our series of model airplane pictures. Hope you've enjoyed the show. Refreshments are available in the lobby.

8 thoughts on “Thunderbolt

  1. Gordon

    You’re pushin my buttons, cleek. Good job. I actually have a video of flight & technical instruction on the “Jug”. It was a flying tank.

  2. Gordon

    Also, when I was a kid back in the ’50s I built models of many aircraft that weren’t so old then. Mostly Revell and Monogram, made in the USA. When I got older I blew ’em all up with firecrackers.

  3. Fixer

    We got a couple old -47s here at Republic Field. They’re all restored and are owned by a restaurant called the 56th Fighter Wing that’s on the airport grounds. Cool stuff. The retaurant is built to look like a squadron orderly room, circa 1940s England.

  4. Gordon

    There is a restaurant in Sacramento with a P-51 Mustang on its roof. You can see it from the freeway. Not sure I’d wanta eat there, the old dear might leak oil.

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