Oh Fer Fuck's Sake

You’ll pardon me for having some confusion over the current state of Democratic thinking regarding multiple home ownership.

The fuck I will.

In 2004, the Democratic standard bearer owned multiple houses, and yet the party figured his wartime valor trumped that purported stain. Present-day secular saint Al Gore has parlayed his lucrative carbon offset racket into a lifestyle worthy of a 21st century Sun King. The left doesn’t seem to mind. And yet John McCain’s wealth is somehow a scandal?

I must question how genuinely scandalized the Democrats are by McCain’s wealth. Tonight, the Democrats will be honoring Ted Kennedy. Like McCain, Kennedy enjoys tremendous wealth. Also like McCain, the wealth that Kennedy enjoys has nothing to do with any personal industry he has shown. Of course, Kennedy’ wealth should in no way disqualify him from the honors he’ll receive tonight.

It's not about the fact that McCain's rich, it's about the fact that he has more homes than he can count, literally. McCain's life is so apparently divorced from common experience that asking if he knows anything about the needs of the masses, or if he can even relate to them, becomes a valid (and necessary, some would say) question to ask. It's not about his wealth, it's about the fact that he lives a pampered life, completely out of touch with the kinds of financial concerns the hundreds of millions of people who aren't John McCain, millionaire, live with.

Of course, that's bloody obvious to anyone who pays attention to this stuff. So maybe there's another reason a writer at a conservative magazine would fail to talk about the actual issue...