According to NewsChannel5, someone sent identical flyers to Stirrup and at least four other Nashville-area gay bars last week. The only text on each flyer were the letters LGBT, and each letter corresponded to one of the four red, white, and blue pictures printed above them. Instead of ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender,’ this LGBT was an acronym for the Statue of Liberty, a Gun, a bottle of Beer, and President Donald Trump.

Each envelope had a red MAGA stamp in the upper left corner, and the return address corresponded with an empty lot in downtown Nashville. As of this writing, no individual or group has taken responsibility for sending the letters.

2 thoughts on “LGBT MAGA STFU

  1. Countme-In

    I may hire myself out to conservative losers attempting to come up with new translations of acronyms.


    Where is the FBI going to start with their investigation of this incident?

    Agent Slaughter, get me the names of the coaches of every recreational softball team in the tri-state area. I want to ask them if they have any dumbasses on their rosters who might carry out this sort of caper.

    Agent Slaughter: Dumbasses? Chief, you might want to narrow things down a bit.

    Chief: Come to think of it, I’m going to ask the coaches to identify the blockheads as well.

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