6 thoughts on “Witchcraft and Trump

  1. Countme-a-Demon

    I hope he washes his hands before he lays them on his sheared sheep, after that display of muscusy sniveling into the handkerchief during that murderous little homily.


    I also hope my CDC taxpayer dollars are not used to combat the virulent strain of epidemic impetigo that portly, patowed, pickleweaseled, pecksniffian parson is spreading among his parishioners.

    Get thee to a quarantine.

    1. Ugh

      pecksniffian and impetigo. Damn.

      Tho’ my initial reaction was that he had a coke habit, I have to say.

  2. Girl from the North Country

    Yup, I went with the coke habit personally. Although frankly, it sounded like it might have been something a little more hallucinogenic, like ayahuasca. Where the fuck was this?

    1. joel hanes

      > Where the fuck was this ?

      If you click the “Watch on youtube”, and then look at the description of the video, it says :
      “Aug. 19, 2018, at Church of His Presence in Daphne, Ala.”
      Wikipedia says it has a population of 21,000, and is the biggest town in the county.

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