
Democratic state Rep. Jessica Farrar of Houston introduced the legislation in March to mock restrictions on women’s access to abortion and other health procedures.

With the stated purpose of regulating “men’s health and safety,” the bill would create a “civil penalty for unregulated masturbatory emissions” that occur “outside of a woman’s vagina [or] medical facility.”

Masturbation would be “considered an act against an unborn child” that “fail[s] to preserve the sanctity of life.” Semen would be stored in medical facilities and saved “for the purposes of conception for a current or future wife.”

One thought on “He-bop

  1. Countme-In

    So this would mean that every time Paul Ryan masturbates into a shot glass as he lives his wet dream of murdering post-born children by getting rid of the ACA and Medicaid, we would have to pay to save his malign spooge and store it?

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