Ah Ha!

It's not just shitty beer, it's shitty beer made by shitty people!

Dick Yuengling welcomed Trump [Jr], thanking him for taking the time to visit the brewery.

"Our guys are behind your father," Yuengling said. "We need him in there."

4 thoughts on “Ah Ha!

  1. HinTN

    Relatives left several of this brew with me following a visit. I’ll be pouring out the remainder, despite the fact that they have already profited grim my cousin’s purchase. Some was OK… bah

  2. JenBob

    It’s not just shitty beer, it’s shitty beer made by shitty people!

    *Someone’s* buying 2.8 million barrels a year.

    What’s really shitty is this hatred toward your fellow Americans that simply disagree with you politically.

    Get a grip. So ridiculous to politicize everything!

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