Carson! Because we're idiots!

The poll told GOP respondents, “I’m going to mention some things people have said about Ben Carson. Regardless of whether you support him for president, please tell me for each if this is something that you find very attractive about him, mostly attractive, mostly unattractive, or very unattractive.”

If we combine “very attractive” and “mostly attractive” responses, these are Iowa Republicans’ positive feelings about Ben Carson:

  1. “He is not a career politician”: 85%
  2. “He has no experience in foreign policy”: 42%
  3. “He was highly successful as a neurosurgeon”: 88%
  4. “He has said the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is the worst thing since slavery”: 81%
  5. ”He has an inspirational personal story”: 85%
  6. “He has raised questions about whether a Muslim should ever be president of the United States”: 73%
  7. “He has said he would be guided by his faith in God”: 89%
  8. “He has said that Hitler might not have been as successful if the people had been armed”: 77%
  9. “He approaches issues with common sense”: 96%
  10. “He has conducted research on tissue from aborted fetuses”: 31%

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