6 thoughts on “I Shouldn't Have Asked

  1. Jewish Steel

    Damn, dog! Started a strenuous regimen of exercise myself today. Fighting the middle-age spread. Let it spread no further!

    Anyway, maybe this tumblr which offers “Pseudoscientific wank from the pages of audiophile magazines,” will ease your troubled mind.


    1. cleek Post author

      OMG. i love the one where they compare the way different HDDs and SSDs affect the sound quality!

      In our initial listening tests, I couldn’t discern any tangible difference in sound between the two hard drives. Harris thought the Hitachi sounded very ethereal, almost out of phase, and rated it lowest; the Seagate was sharper with a more thumpy bass, slightly brighter with a slight tendency to sibilance. Both lacked much drive in presenting the Madonna track, and were certainly ‘mushy’ compared with the best sound quality we’d heard from the QNAP stable.

      Drive three (a solid state type) gave a far from subtle shift in tone and soundstaging. I thought that here this Kingston SSD spread the stage wider, could really pull apart the multi-track layers, and certainly led in blackness too, sounding agreeably quieter than it had any right to. Yet there was also a dull flatness to its presentation, even a graying of timbre.

      the source of the bits affects the content of the bits! you’d have thought the people who build computers would’ve discovered this by now.

      1. Jewish Steel

        I want to say my old roommate, who has a pretty sweet system, fell for the cable elevators.

        I like the wry little attribution lines at the end “— A set of shelves.” and “— A £120 piece of wood.”

  2. joel hanes

    Unlike carpal tunnel, high blood pressure is something modern allopathic medicine and bigPharma are quite good at treating. Even the older meds are effective and safe, and the newer ones are better.

    I resisted for a while before starting blood pressure meds.
    That was a mistake; don’t make it.
    You’ll feel much much better when it’s treated.

  3. Rob Caldecott

    I have “white coat hypertension”. My blood pressure is elevated when it’s being taken. Before I knew this I had to wear a monitor for 24 hours (which was not very comfortable). The two highest readings were the first and last ones, which the nurse took. The average was OK though, less than 140/90 which seems to be the magic number when it comes to diagnosing this problem.

    I did have a real blood pressure problem in the 90s and I took beta-blockers for a while, which did the trick. Mine was lifestyle related though. I smoked, ate like crap, did no exercise at all, and was in the pub most nights. Not to mention the weekend antics…

    Not that I’m suggesting you’re a party animal Cleek. You seem fit and healthy, so it’s no doubt a case of bad genes. Either that or building your own house has really taken its toll… :)

    1. cleek Post author

      friday, i was 140/90. today i’m 120/80. so, false alarm, i guess.

      Either that or building your own house has really taken its toll

      it really is a seriously stressful process. if Mrs wasn’t taking the lead on pretty much all of this, there’s no way we’d be doing it again.

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