Kevin Drum has a complaint about the coverage of the VA 'scandal':

You should always try to compare the performance of the VA to private sector care. Saying that the average wait time for non-urgent appointments is 23 days tells us nothing. Is that longer or shorter than it is elsewhere?

0.39s of Google's time later:

Directly comparable data for the private sector are unavailable. But a 2014 survey of physician wait times found the average private-sector wait time to be 18.5 days – two and a half days less than at the VA. In Boston, which has a high concentration of top-quality private-sector hospitals, the average wait time was 45.4 days.

Also, from the MSNBC story:

It’s worth remembering that 13% of Americans still have no health insurance of any kind, making it extremely difficult for them even to contemplate scheduling a doctor’s appointment.

4 thoughts on “SCANDALALALAL!L!LL!L!L!!!s11!!

  1. Rob Caldecott

    The wealthiest nation on the planet and millions of citizens have no health insurance. It still boggles my mind. Yeah, the NHS isn’t perfect but I could never envisage the country being without it. I could wait a week to see a doctor I suppose.

    I also have additional private cover paid for by my company but it’s very cheap and the tax hit is small. I cover my wife and kids for around £50 a month with a £100 excess every 12 months. Best of both worlds I guess. But why is insurance so expensive in the USA? We had a couple of guys over from Portland, OR recently and one of then pays hundreds of dollars a month for his insurance (I’m sure he said $600 but that can’t be right.)

    1. cleek Post author

      It still boggles my mind.
      mine, too.

      I could wait a week to see a doctor I suppose.
      i can usually get in within a day or two, for just a general doctor visit. if it’s a specialist, having to wait a month is pretty standard.

      I’m sure he said $600 but that can’t be right

      if it’s employer-provided insurance, $600 sounds pretty high. but if that’s insurance purchased on the individual market $600/mo sounds completely believable, even now.

      i’m paying around $200/mo right now for employer-provided insurance.

    1. cleek Post author

      another day in the Kevin Drum comment section…

      for such a temperate and level-headed guy, he sure attracts some crazy trolls.

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