
A morally bankrupt bloviator has an opinion about waterboarding:

While the White House must beware not to inform our enemies what to expect if captured, today’s clueless anti-waterboarding rhetoric merits this tactic’s vigorous defense. Waterboarding is something of which every American should be proud.

11 thoughts on “Pride

  1. Shimmy

    Yukio Asano probably was proud of waterboarding U.S. prisoners during WWII. However, the U.S. Army decided in his 1947 trial that this was “willful and unlawful treatment” of a prisoner. Time to take a long, long nap under the bed in the empty wicker newspaper box. . . .

  2. cleek

    the laws regarding waterboarding are not invariant under time translation. they change over time; they decay, acquire more entropy, lose vigor and stamina. if we could reverse the arrow of time, we could return to a place where waterboarding was again abhorrent and illegal. but that would require a decrease in entropy and would violate the second law of thermodynamics.

    like the laws regarding waterboarding, pride-in-country is also invariant under time translation – it decreases into the future as Republican mice nibble its edges.

  3. Ugh

    Waterboarding is something of which every American should be proud.

    I totally agree. Other things of which every American should be proud:

    1. Child Molestation
    2. Slavery
    3. Jim Crow
    4. The Treament of American Indian
    5. Abu Ghraib

    I could go on, but you get the picture. This should go on a T-shirt somewhere.

  4. Ugh

    Also, this is a statement I’d be equally as proud of:

    I don’t — you know quagmire is an interesting word. If you lived in Iraq and had lived under a tyranny, you’d be saying: God, I love freedom, because that’s what’s happened.

    And there are killers and radicals and murderers who kill the innocent to stop the advance of freedom. But freedom’s happening in Iraq. And we’re making progress.

    “Freedom’s happening in Iraq.” That should go on a T-shirt too.

  5. cleek

    freedom’s just another word for routine car bombings and mass flight from the country.

    i think Kris Kristofferson wrote that in a song once.

  6. anandamide

    given that torture always results in high-quality information and that if we get rid of torture, we will certainly be attacked again, this commentator is absolutely right !!!!!!! thank you, brave sir !!!!!!

  7. Ugh

    OT – not only does the Christmas stuff get put out earlier and earlier every year, but the faux-War on Christmas does as well.

    Just fncking shoot me.

  8. Rob Caldecott

    Just seen this comment on a forum you used to frequent:

    “But no one supports torture. What we support is allowing those who are responsible for defending the country the tools they claim are necessary for them to do their jobs.”

    Sweet Jesus!

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