
Took me 43 years, but I got my first tick today!

Maybe walking around the 1/2 acre of pine straw, in shorts, weed-whacking the stray grass wasn't my best idea.

Now I get to wait and see if I have Lyme disease!

Because why would life ever get simpler?

10 thoughts on “Hosting

    1. cleek Post author

      first we tried to pull it out with tweezers. but it didn’t let go.
      then we covered it with vaseline. but it didn’t let go.
      then we put a bunch of rubbing alcohol on it. but it didn’t let go.
      then we put a bunch of nail polish remover on it. but it didn’t let go.
      then we tried grabbing it with hot tweezers. but it didn’t let go.
      then we did the hot match head thing. then it let go.

      according to the web, the only thing you’re supposed to do is the first.

  1. Jewish Steel

    We just ripped out all the Japanese barberry in front of our house. It attracts ticks apparently. No thx to tcks!

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