On The Shoulders Of Giants

Three guys put together a site called the Health Sherpa that does everything Healthcare.org does, but better and faster! OMFG Obama is soooo derp!

wait for it...

wait for it...

wait for it...

Except, the Health Sherpa only breaks down policies based on age (49 or young, 50 or older), dependencies, and by ZIP code. It doesn't provide any information about subsidies or taxes. It doesn't ask about tobacco use. And you can't actually sign up for the policies listed on the site; it just gives you the phone numbers of the various insurance companies whose plans come up. You get to call them up and buy the plan yourself. Freedom, I guess. Well, maybe it's handy. But it's nowhere near what Healthcare.gov is designed to do.

And, not having millions of users trying to use it at once probably does wonders for its performance.

But what about the data that the Health Sherpa uses? That sounds interesting. Sounds like the kind of thing you'd have to have a big research department compiling and verifying and formatting. Right? Sounds like a big job for three guys. Well, that data actually comes from a public API built into Healthcare.gov. Which is to say, the Health Sherpa depends entirely on what Healthcare.gov feeds it. Free market win!

Stupid Obama. You should've just hired these three guys.