Yum, Branding!

Study: Food in McDonald's wrapper tastes better to kids:

    Anything made by McDonald's tastes better, preschoolers said in a study that powerfully demonstrates how advertising can trick the taste buds of young children.

    In comparing identical McDonald's foods in name-brand and plain wrappers, the unmarked foods always lost.

    Even carrots, milk and apple juice tasted better to the kids when they were wrapped in the familiar packaging of the Golden Arches.

    The study had youngsters sample identical McDonald's foods in name-brand and unmarked wrappers. The unmarked foods always lost the taste test.

I have this thing about potato chips... if they're fresh out of the bag, I love 'em. But if they've been taken out of the bag, and put into a ZipLok baggie (like what my mom used to do for bagged lunches), they suck. I hate them. I don't know if there really is difference in taste, but I've convinced myself there is, and I refuse to eat chips out of baggies.

The study also noted that intrusive Big Brother government goes down easy when wrapped in the packaging of Small Government Conservatism ™; While the same product wrapped in paper with Korean or Russian writing causes severe vomiting and abdominal cramping.