You'll Be Sorry!

Avedon at Eschaton writes:

    Shouldn't it concern us that Republicans are constantly talking about how people will all wise up when the next terrorist attack at home comes?

    I mean, they really seem to be looking forward to it, and they take great delight in the thought that, by God, people will see things differently when it happens.

    They relish the thought. They hunger for that terrorist attack they need to save their Party.

    I, Not Atrios, think Democrats would be wise to talk on TV about how the last thing we need is to put people in power who have such a stake in having terrorists attack Americans.

My emphasis.


4 thoughts on “You'll Be Sorry!

  1. Ugh

    As someone once said somewhere, I hate the way this administration makes me feel like a nutjob conspiracy theorist.

    I wouldn’t put it past them blowing up some just-happens-to-be-empty building somewhere to scare the bejeebus out of folks.

    Or not, they can’t be that crazy, can they?

  2. cleek

    they can’t be that crazy, can they?

    the guys at the top, probably not. but i wouldn’t be all that surprised if the necessary combination of zealous partisan and dangerously-crazy came together in a few yokels somewhere. as it has so many times before…

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