The Leader

Glenn Greenwald summarizes BushCo's legal infallibility:

    But this belief in intrinsic legal immunity extends to the entire Bush movement (which has become virtually synonymous with "neoconservatism"). That is what explains the literally endless defense not merely of individual acts of illegality, but of the claimed power to break the law in general. They are an authoritarian movement which believes only in its own power. By definition, none of its Leaders can ever be guilty of anything because to be a Leader of that movement means, by definition, that their actions are always for the Good and that anything which impedes those actions -- whether it be ethics, political principles or the law -- are unjust.

Of course. And as we've seen for the past 6 years, if you oppose Bush on anything, you're presumed to be anti-American, because not only is Bush infallible, he's the living embodiment of America itself.

Can we call them fascists yet?