The Upcoming Election

Voting proceeds at a deliberate pace in my 2012 Top 100 records list. I'm using the same web app that we used for our 2011 Readers' Record poll, with a couple of tweaks: unlimited list size, can add records at any time. So far, ~130 records, ~2700 votes counted. Been at it since Christmas. Whew.

I tried to listen to all the records at least once before I started, but I skipped a few, thinking I knew them well enough. As voting has progressed, I'm finding time to listen to all those I skipped, and this changes how those records fare in the voting; I either over- or under-estimated the record, pre-listen. And that makes me think I need to get more votes in, which gives me more time to listen to more records, which changes my opinion of them, etc. ... The circle of life.


Anyone think there's a market for this voting app ? If I were to clean it up, make it more generic, etc.. ?

One thought on “The Upcoming Election

  1. Cris

    Depends on what you mean by “market.” I have no doubt that if you released it as a WordPress plugin, it would meet a need for an audience — for instance, at “cute animal photo” sites.

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