2011 Top Five

It's close enough to the end of the year, right?

So, here are my top 5 albums of 2011. Of the dozens of records I bought this year, just ten were from 2011; so finding a top five wasn't much of a challenge.

  1. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks - Mirror Traffic

    (check out Jack Black and Gary Cole (the boss from Office Space) in the video!)

    Malkmus and Jicks records always take a while to grow on me. I think it's because Malkmus so dominates everything that it takes time to get past the initial "Hey, there's that Malkmus quirk again," and "Now what a Malkmusly clever lyric!" reactions and start to appreciate the songs as more than just ways for Malkmus to do his thing. This one doesn't really sound or feel a lot different than any other SM&tJs record, but I think the stand-out songs are a notch or two better than usual.

  2. Wye Oak - Civilian

    This is a solid follow-up to their awesome previous record, "The Knot". It trades some of The Knot's raw immediacy for a cleaner, and more modern sound - which makes this one a bit less interesting to me. There's less of the sing-song whisper/explosion/whisper dynamics here. But, there are plenty of great songs. So, this spends a lot of time in my car's CD player.

  3. Gillian Welch - The Harrow & The Harvest

    They spent many many years on this, writing, rejecting, selecting songs (hence the title). They took so long, I was seriously starting to doubt they'd ever do another record. So, it was great news when this came out. The verdict: it's not as grand as "Revelator", but I think it surpasses their last, "Soul Journey", and fits in nicely with their first two records. They stick to their tried-and-true tradition of slow, and sometimes sad songs, simply done. And there are a couple of likely classics on here. There are also, sadly, a couple of really awkward lyrics; and when I hear them, my reflexive wincing throws me out of the song briefly. But, overall, a good record.

  4. Adele - 21
    No need for a link. You all know what Adele sounds like.

  5. Sea & Cake - Moonlight Butterfly.

    I think they've made a slight turn back towards their classic sound here, and I deeply approve. What really hooks me with this is when they use (intentionally or more likely, not) bits which remind me of songs from other bands I really dig: Unrest, my own songs. So, for example, in the song linked here, Sam Prekop is playing a rhythm part which is almost identical to a song I wrote in 1991 for the woman I'd eventually marry. Sounds like faint praise, and maybe it is; but I've given the S&C a lifetime pass, so anything that isn't trash is welcome.

How about you? What did you like from this past year?

7 thoughts on “2011 Top Five

    1. Cris

      Oh, okay, she does that “Never mind I’ll find someone like you” song that I thought was Lady Gaga when I heard it on my local Stuff White People Like radio station,

  1. Rob Caldecott

    A list! Yes! Can I embed YouTube videos? Let’s give it a stab.

    1. Radiohead – The King of Limbs
    Another album, another re-invention. Of sorts. My only disappointment was it was only 8 songs. The first half is fast, the second half more mellow. And they’re in the studio again right now which could mean an EP in the new year. Plus Thom Yorke has another solo album out shortly. And they’re touring again. And they released a live DVD. And they released a remix album. Pretty good year if you’re a fan like me.

    2. The Horrors – Skying
    A dirty, distorted mess. Brilliant.

    3. PJ Harvey – Let England Shake
    War is BAD.

    4. The Strokes – Angles
    They’ve still got it!

    5. The Black Keys – Brothers
    OK, released in 2010 but I bought it this year! Lo-fi and lush.

    Adele would be number 6 for sure.

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