7 thoughts on “thang

  1. Rob Caldecott

    One minor complaint. The “Welcome” text is too large when viewed on my system – I use large fonts and a slightly larger than default Firefox font. Could you fix the font size (maybe use an image instead)? Try using Ctrl+Scroll Wheel to make the text larger and you’ll see the “Welcome” text spill over the banner graphic. I had the same issue on a work project recently, and though it’s a bit naff, I used an image for the banner text instead.


  2. Rob Caldecott

    Just noticed the same issue with the “Site Stuff” and “Smaller Animal News” captions.

  3. cleek

    ahhhh… you mean on the Smaller Animals site ? you weren’t supposed to see that link :) i was playing with the new minipost sidebar widget and dropped that in as a dummy post.

    but yeah, i do need to tone that text down a bit.

  4. cleek

    we’re really not even supposed to be commenting on this one. those little side posts (‘asides’) aren’t supposed to have comments. they’re not official posts.

    you snuck in before i could turn that off, on this one :)

    i’ll see if i can get them out of the RSS feed. i think there’s an option for that.

  5. cleek


    yup. it was on the ‘pod while i was tweaking the site.

    i’ve been hiding little lyrics down at the bottom of the page for a while. but i moved them up to the top today.

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