Just now, while trying to get some work done, I got this error from Microsoft's Visual Studio 2005:

Cripes! Grab me that shotgun, Millie! There's a zombie 'neath mah desk!

7 thoughts on “EMOTD

  1. Gary

    Now I haven’t seen that error message before, but I would be quite intrested in knowing how you managed to generate it :-)

  2. cleek

    I would be quite intrested in knowing how you managed to generate it

    i modified a manifest, then tried to rebuild, but some (not all) of the project files were read-only. this was one of a half-dozen other error messages i got when i tried.

  3. cleek

    it’s threads like this that make me want to sign back up at Bizzaro World and just go to town

    those people are dangerously misguided. they scare me a little.

  4. Ugh

    those people are dangerously misguided. they scare me a little.

    Meh, I figure half of them (or more) are bed-wetting cowards who are talking a big game online. Though the cognitive dissonance is astounding: (a) gov’t cannot possibly be trusted to run the health care system because it is incompetent and screws everything up, vs. (b) unreviewable power of the President to throw people in jail forever: teh awesome.

  5. cleek

    yeah, i’ve always wondered about that dissonance, myself. i think it boils down to: killing, torturing, beating-down is awesome and manly and tough and WE FUCKING ROCK! YOU CAN SUCK IT! and health care is, like, for mommies.

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