About those "commandments"

Bullseye Rooster discusses the merits of the ten commandments.


    3. Thou shalt not lie.
    Seems reasonable, but commandments are absolutes, and we all know times we should lie. Some very few good christians lied to the gestapo to save jews during the holocaust. And they invoked God's name to do so.

2 thoughts on “About those "commandments"

  1. DaveC

    I believe that the 3rd commandment says

    “Thou shalt not take God’s name in vain”

    or something like that.

    So Bull Rooster is full of crap, and lied about what the commandments are in order to “bear false witness against thy neighbor”, which he did list later.

  2. cleek

    lied about what the commandments are

    how so ?

    in order to “bear false witness against thy neighbor”,

    be careful where you point that one. you could put your own eye out.

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