Mystic mushrooms better than everything


    Many of the 36 volunteers rated their reaction to a single dose of the drug, called psilocybin, as one of the most meaningful or spiritually significant experiences of their lives. Some compared it to the birth of a child or the death of a parent.


    That experience included such things as a sense of pure awareness and a merging with ultimate reality, a transcendence of time and space, a feeling of sacredness or awe, and deeply felt positive mood like joy, peace and love. People say "they can't possibly put it into words," Griffiths said.

    Two months later, 24 of the participants filled out a questionnaire. Two-thirds called their reaction to psilocybin one of the five top most meaningful experiences of their lives. On another measure, one-third called it the most spiritually significant experience of their lives, with another 40 percent ranking it in the top five.

    About 80 percent said that because of the psilocybin experience, they still had a sense of well-being or life satisfaction that was raised either "moderately" or "very much."

Sounds great!

    Such comments "just seemed unbelievable," said Roland Griffiths of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, the study's lead author.

    But don't try this at home, he warned. "Absolutely don't."

Wow man. Bummer. You're such a buzzkill.

3 thoughts on “Mystic mushrooms better than everything

  1. Gordon

    I did shrooms exactly once, about thirty years ago, at a bluegrass festival at Lion Country Safari in San Diego County. It was fun, especially when it got dark and all them nocturnal felines got active and started soundin’ off! Then the festival was over and I drove us 130 miles home still shroomin’…everybody said I did fine, but they were all stoned!

  2. cleek

    same here: once. i can still remember the texture… like wet, mushroom-flavored, balsa wood.

    i climbed a tree and sat there for an hour or so. well, not really a tree, more like a little myrtle next to someone’s porch. felt like a sequoia

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