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Mission Accomplished

Bush is as good as gone. The Dems elected a great candidate. The Republican party is in complete disarray from it's leaderless top to the frenzied blamestorming bottom. And those are exactly the changes we needed. So... Mission Accomplished.

I'm done with it. The benefits of winning include leisure. I have no desire to obsess over the daily ins and outs of Obama's presidency. I don't care who he chooses for his cabinet. I don't care about the makeup of any House committee. I don't care what happens to Joe Lieberman. I don't care to parse texts or impromptu remarks for hidden connotations. I don't care to play the game of partisan attack and defend. I don't care. I'm taking three giant steps back. Let Obama do what he's going to do. I'll judge him by the real-world effects of his policies, not by the method he implements them. I'm going to zoom out: to hell with the obsessive microscope; all hail the wide angle. Less politics, more ... something else.

It's all you, Obama. Don't disappoint me ... too much.

Those Cherries Aren't Going To Pick Themselves!

Trying to wish away imminent political doom, GOP Knob Polisher Central, RedState, has come up with a list: The Seven Reasons McCain-Palin Are a Lock to Win. Awesome! Let's read it!

Reason 1:

The first and foremost reason McCain-Palin will win is the absolute arrogance, elitism, condescending, patronizing and in-your-face voter suppression campaign – don’t vote for McCain, he can not win -- being conducted by the national media on Senator Obama’s behalf.

Mm k. Seems like the polling says people disagree with that assessment; and the reason the media says McCain can't win is that the polling says he doesn't have enough support in the right places to win. But, whatevah. You're the expert here, not me.

Reason 2:

The Gallup poll after Labor Day has historically been a predictor of the winner of the Presidential election. The person leading in that poll wins the Presidency.

Now that sounds like solid science to me! Only a fool would ask questions like "What about the fact that Gore was ahead in the post-Labor Day Gallup poll in 2000?" or "What about the fact that Carter was up by 4 in that same poll, back in 1980?" And I ain't no fool! So, let's see what Gallup said this year:

Day Obama McCain
9/1 49 43 (Labor Day)
9/2 52 42
9/3 49 43
9/4 49 42
9/5 48 44


So, Um... Would you care to revise your theory? Yes? Go ahead, then.

The Republican convention, pushed onto Labor Day by the Summer Olympics muddied the waters on this historic fact, but the Gallup poll a week later showed McCain ahead of Obama, predicting the McCain victory.

Presto! Historic fact! Data doesn't fit? Use different data! Voila! QED! Solid Proof!

Proof that they're a bunch of fucking retards, that is.

As for their other "reasons"... those prove that RedStaters are unable to use Google to back up their statistical claims (polls prove Women and Jews hate Obama! Oh really?), and that they think Real Americans will all change their minds and vote for McCain, even though they're been telling pollsters for two months now, that they're going to vote for Obama. Why? Because Real Americans think like Red Staters, that's why. Science!