7 thoughts on “Monday Cat Blogging

  1. Rob Caldecott

    Our cat Boo is a fantastic hunter; shame mouse blood is so difficult to remove from the carpet.

    He always leaves the stomach – eats everything else though – I’ve watched him crunch the head up and nearly emptied my stomach. That can’t taste better than a pouch of Felix or Whiskas surely? :)

  2. cleek

    one of the many reasons our cats aren’t allowed outside. they can go on the screened porch and eat any bugs that get in there. but there will be no eating of wild anthropods in our house.

  3. Rob Caldecott

    Our last place backed onto fields and woods. In the 6 months we were there Boo delivered us mice, rats, moles, birds (crows, sparrows and an enormous pigeon), a couple of baby rabbits and countless voles. Swinging your legs out of bed and stepping on a dead (but still warm) rat first thing in the morning simply can’t be beaten.

    Next time were getting a dog.

  4. bedtimeforbonzo

    “Swinging your legs out of bed and stepping on a dead (but still warm) rat first thing in the morning simply can’t be beaten.”


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