5 thoughts on “Name That Tune #2 - It's Over!

  1. russell

    hey cleek –

    Thanks for the gold star but I’m handing it over the Cris for knowing that Peggy Lee was the voice behind the siamese cats.

    Seriously, that was deep.

    Thanks –

  2. Cris

    I’m looking forward to number 3, personally.

    And yes, praise goes to the fine crew at pre-Eisner Disney for exposing kids like me to great voices like Peggy Lee and Louis Prima.

  3. Ugh

    Don’t you guys recognize cleek’s little game? He’ll keep cranking out Name That Tune after Name That Tune, attracting more and more readers/contestants to his blog and then, WHAMMO! Banner ads.

  4. cleek

    Ugh’s right. once i increase the hits here by three or four orders of magnitude, it’ll be nothing but banners and flying nag ads.

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