The Other Half

Half of moving is building the new house. The other half is selling the current house.


The sign went up this morning. And we have two showings tomorrow morning. Because I'm cynical, I assume they're both realtors scouting out new listings. But, there's always a chance they're actual potential buyers.

Mrs says that the two showings are actual buyers and that one of them said that we need to call them if we receive an offer before they get a chance to see it. Before 10:00AM tomorrow, in other words. So, that's good news.

Then she got another call asking if someone could see the house tonight. Because we have plans tonight and don't want to lock the cats outside on the porch all night while we're gone, we declined. She then got a call from the realtor asking why. She explained. The realtor said the couple who wanted to see it were going to be buying a house today or tomorrow so we should probably find a way to make it work. So, we found a way.

And as I was typing this, another showing was scheduled for tomorrow.

This will be a very busy weekend.

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