Floor Ride

The floor does look better after its second coat. It's not perfect, but it's better than it was before. So, we're going to have him finish the rest.

That means that tonight we all get to sleep in the 'guest room', where the cats are never, usually, allowed. A reward for them, for being locked in the litter box room every day this week.


Well, we had him finish the rest of the downstairs. We can't stomach the idea of spending another four days to have him do the upstairs (which is in much better shape anyway). So, after many months of wrangling, we got a free floor refinish. But that is a nightmare of a process, if you live in the house. We've had to work from home, with the A/C off and all the windows open to keep from dying from polyurethane fumes. The cats are totally freaked out from being locked in a room all day and them coming out to see everything in a new spot. We don't want to do another four days of that. But, what we got will be good enough. The floor guy turned out to be decent and reasonable, once the conflict was settled. The builder waves to us when he sees us now. Harmony is upon the land. And we still want to move because, when you get right down to it, we picked the wrong house for us. It's nice, but it's way too big and certain aspects of it are just plain wrong for two people and two cats. We like the lot we're on, except for the road noise from that awesomely curvy road 600' from the back door - a driving enthusiast's dream, apparently. But, land is expensive, and the real estate market has softened a bit lately, so I'm weary of starting something new and being stuck with two mortgages.

There are worse problems to have.

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