House Management

Builder's foreman to Mrs: we'll probably be done first week of next month.

Builder's agent to Mrs: we'll probably be done first week of next month. But could you tell the foreman to hurry up? The builder needs him to get working on some other houses.

Us: WTF? Manage your own fucking employees.

But, we get to do a "pre-walk-through" this weekend. I think this is where we tell them to fix things that need to be fixed before we do the walk-through, which is where we tell them to fix things that need to be fixed, which is what we've been doing for months.


Looking from the dining room into the kitchen.

4 thoughts on “House Management

  1. Rob Caldecott

    In the UK we call this “snagging”.

    When we moved into our house the rest of the development wasn’t finished so the builders were on-site every day. We got friendly with the site manager and got any snags fixed more or less immediately. Some builders are good at this, others very poor. There is a new estate in my town where the builder (one of the largest in the UK) hasn’t sent anyone back to fix *anything* and is now being sued by about 100 people.

    New houses in the UK also come with a 10-year guarantee (called NHBC Buildmark) which ensures standards are met.

    “Buildmark, the NHBC warranty for private housing is split into 2 parts. In the first 2 years, the builder is responsible for fixing any defects caused by its failure to build to NHBC Technical Standards. If the builder fails to do this or has gone out of business, NHBC will take responsibility to fix the defect. From the start of the third year until the home is 10 years old, NHBC is responsible for putting right defects to the structural and weather-proofing parts of the home caused by breaches of its Technical Standards.”

    1. cleek

      making it mandatory sounds like a good idea.

      builders will warranty their work, but i believe it’s optional. and you can buy private insurance / warranties, at your own expense.

      otherwise, you have to sue, if you think they didn’t meet standards.

  2. Jewish Steel

    “Builder’s agent to Mrs: we’ll probably be done first week of next month. But could you tell the foreman to hurry up? The builder needs him to get working on some other houses.”

    This made me bark with laughter. I say you go ahead and do it and then bill them for the motivational speech.

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