The Long And Winding Road

Driveway is done.


vs. April (roughly the same angle - tree in the middle above is on the right edge, below):


Finishing touches are being applied. Floors are being sanded. Appliances are going in. Doors have locks (these appeared the same time the appliances did). Lights are going in.


Waiting for the back porch to be screened. Waiting for the electrician / cabinet people / whoever to get together and cut a hole in the back of the laundry-room cabinet which is now covering the hole where all the ethernet lines come out. Waiting for landscaping to get going. Small stuff, really.

This means they're running out of things to fuck up, too. We might drag this thing over the finish line yet!

Current house is still getting showings. We've had a couple people back for second looks. Realtor reports that one couple has us at the "top of their list", but their jobs (or whatever) keep them super-busy during the week, and so we won't know anything until the weekend. Mrs. is slowly packing. But I think we could do all the packing in a couple of days, if we put our minds to it. I suspect I might sound like one of those ridiculous TV husbands who overestimates his own abilities and underestimates the size of the task.

4 thoughts on “The Long And Winding Road

  1. Rob Caldecott

    These posts really brighten my day – no idea why, it’s not my house. I just love the fact you’re building your own nest.

    I hate packing but it’s a great chance to throw out all your old crap. We still have unpacked boxes in our garage and we’ve been here the best part of 5 years. If it was up to me we’d hire a skip and dump the lot but my wife would freak.

    Last time we moved we paid to removal company to pack for us. he he he. They did it in a day but they sent four people.

    1. Ugh

      totally agree with Rob, I love these posts as well. Can’t wait to see the finished product!

      And, yes, throw out your old crap!

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