House Of Mysteries

Welcome, readers, to this week's tale of mystery!

In June, we picked out our appliances. In July, we struggled to get the woman at the appliance store to tell the cabinet makers how big the appliances are, so they could build the cabinets the right size. We eventually succeeded, and having completed that task, thoughts of appliances quietly slipped from our minds.

Two months pass...

Last week, the appliances appeared in our garage, bundled in their boxes, safe and snug. Today, the builder's foreman called Mrs. and says the appliances do not fit into the cabinetry. The microwave doesn't fit the cabinet, and neither does the refrigerator. The stovetop does, however, fit the hole that was cut in the granite. That's good. But, he's going to have to get the cabinet people to remake the cabinetry.

Now wait just a minute!

What brand are the appliances he's trying to install?

It's all a different brand from what we ordered - except for the stovetop, which they luckily got right.

How can that be? How did the appliance people deliver a different brand to our house? And which measurements did the cabinet people get, if they weren't for the appliances that were actually delivered? And why won't the appliance people answer anyone's calls?


And what lives behind that little door?!

Stay tuned! Maybe we'll know the answers to these questions, and more, when it's time for next week's Mysterious Fuck Up Of The Week!

5 thoughts on “House Of Mysteries

  1. Ugh

    Gah! Seriously? Yikes.

    I guess there’s a method to my madness of trying to avoid dealing with the general public.

  2. Cris

    Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw.

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