I'm a Zero

My Sex ID Test score is... 0.

I have no idea where that comes from. On the majority of the sections, I came out on the "masculine" side of their rankings.

Your score: 15 out of 20
Average score for men: 15.1 out of 20
Average score for women: 13.3 out of 20

An average man.

Spot the difference
Your score: 43%
Average score for men: 39%
Average score for women: 46%

I did better than most men, but not as well as most women.

"right brain dominant"

They don't say what that's supposed to mean.

Your empathy score is: 6 out of 20
Average score for men: 7.9 out of 20
Average score for women: 10.6 out of 20

Less empathic than the average man, who is already less empathic than the average woman. More manly than most men?

Your systemising score is: 17 out of 20
Average score for men: 12.5 out of 20
Average score for women: 8.0 out of 20

Much more 'systemising' than the average man, who is already more 'systemising' than the average woman. Again, more "manly" than the average man.

Your score: 7 out of 10
Average score for men: 6.6 out of 10
Average score for women: 6.6 out of 10

There's no difference in the average. So how is this supposed to tell me anything?

Right Hand: 0.96
Left Hand: 0.96
Average ratio for men: 0.982
Average ratio for women: 0.991

Again, more 'manly' than most men.

Your choices suggest you prefer more feminine faces.

Mm k.

3D Shapes
Your score: 9 out of 12
Average score for men: 8.2 out of 12
Average score for women: 7.1 out of 12

Better than the average man, who is already better than the average woman. Again, more 'manly' than most men.

Your score: 11+5 = 16 total
Average score for men: 11.4 words total
Average score for women: 12.4 words total

This one measures (kindof) the ability to make a list of synonyms for a given word and another list of words that you associate with a particular color. I wouldn't have thought this skill was particularly sex-biased. Hmmm.

If you had to split £50 with someone, you said you would demand £25 (50%)
So far on the Sex ID test, men have demanded 51.6% (£25.80) of the pot and women have demanded 51.0% (£25.50), on average.

Hmmm. I'm too generous for either sex?

All that adds up to 0. I'm a zero. Sorry Mrs. Cleek.

3 thoughts on “I'm a Zero

  1. Pingback: Taking it Outside (the site formerly known as Hating On Charles Bird) » Not serious stuff, just best wishes

  2. Shog9

    Well, i got 50, apparently by my mad 3D shape scores, almost complete inability to recognize differences, and poor empathizing skills.


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