Survey Says...

An arm of the Gallup organization based in the United Arab Emirates has just published, in partnership with their U.S. based colleagues, the results of a major polling that compares the attitudes of Muslim Americans to Americans of other faiths. Its title is "Examining U.S. Muslims' Political, Social, and Spiritual Engagement 10 Years After September 11," and its most attention grabbing finding is the fact that Muslim Americans are more likely than Christians or Jews to believe that targeting and killing civilians is never justified, whether it is done by the military or an individual. Put another way, Christians and Jews are more comfortable with civilians being targeted and killed by a wide margin.

Wingnuts are wrong again? Odd.

One thought on “Survey Says...

  1. Ugh

    Non-muslim Americans think targeting civilians is just fine as they think no one ever does it to them, failing to connect “targeting civilians” to, e.g., the World Trade Center attacks or Oklahoma City. That’s “terrorism” (assuming they even agree on that score on OKC) not “targeting civilians.”


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