4 thoughts on “PA Grand Canyon

  1. Parallel 5ths (Psychedelic Steel)

    We just drove thru PA last week. Hadn’t been there in a while. Forgot how lovely it was.

    Am I on the East Coast or in the Midwest when I’m in PA?

    Also, Mr cleek sir, if it’s not too much bother, how do I get the reply button back over @ b-j? I downloaded Stylish, followed monkey boy’s instructions and latterly John D’s, but no dice. No reply dice.

  2. cleek

    “how do I get the reply button back over @ b-j?”

    which browser are you using? it worked for me in FF 5.

    install Stylish.
    open the Stylish options window.
    add a new style.
    give it a name. “bj style” is mine.
    paste those two bits of CSS into the bottom box and…

    that’s it.

  3. cleek

    Am I on the East Coast or in the Midwest when I’m in PA?

    tough call. depends on which part of PA, i guess.

  4. Parallel 5ths (Psychedelic Steel)

    It is hard to tell. When we pulled over in Wilkes-Barre in search of edible road food, I felt like we were back in heartlandish ‘Murica.

    OH SHIT! It’s back! REPLY!

    John D’s code was fine but his advice to select “URLs on the domain” was wrong. The “starting with” option was the one to go with.


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