Monthly Archives: December 2006

Chez Watt

A Chez Watt is "an informal monthly 'award' by the denizens of the news group... It is dedicated to highlighting the humorous things posted to t.o. (intentionally or not)."

I will quote some:

  • [the best use of ellipses ever]
    "...Luke... ..I am.your... ..father...".
    -Colossians 4 :14, Genesis 27:31, Genesis 2:24

  • Wow, You couldn't get a clue if you were drenched in clue pheromones, dancing in a clue field in the middle of clue mating season, wearing a clue suit, and shouting, "Clooo! Cloooo!
  • Staggering, your intellect. And then clinging to a lamppost.
  • We could be 100% ape and we still wouldn't be apes.
  • You should realize Usenet is a strange reality where you see people beating up a patch of grass where nine years ago there used to be a horse.
  • SETI is based on the simple assumption that nature operates elsewhere the same way it does here. ID is based on the assumption that nature doesn't even work here.
  • chance? Is probability and statistics based on chance?

There are many more, and I only quoted the short ones. Good geeky fun.

Found at the wonderfully blasphemous Pharyngula, for which you should go vote, now.

Big Black Star

I got myself all worked up over the idea of doing a mash-up of Big Black, Black Star and Big Star. And then I went and did it.

Here it is.

It's not quite as exciting as I wanted it to be, but it might be the best I can do...

It's a blend of two or three live songs from Big Black's Pigpile (Steelworker and Fists Of Love, for sure), two songs from Black Star (Definition and another one I can't recall right now) and two from Big Star (Feel and Nature Boy).

Chuck Norris - Kicking Liberal Ass

Over at WorldNut Daily, in between stories about how soy makes you gay, ads for gold bullion, keychain radiation detectors (Nukalert!), and books that tell us why good Christians should bring guns to church, you can watch Chuck Norris as he kicks the crap out of his practice dummies! Here he goes after the one he calls "ACLU" - in this scenario, "ACLU" is dressed-up as the Supreme Commander of the forces of the Axis of Anti-Christmas:

    WorldNetDaily: ACLU: The Abolishing Christian Legacy Union
    ''J'' to the rescue!

    Thank God for organizations which are fighting against the censoring of Christianity and Christmas, like the ADF, The Thomas More Law Center and The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).

    The ACLJ has a great ''Christmas Resource Center'' where one can find information sheets on what is permissible in public displays of Christmas and how students can properly express their religious beliefs in school during this Christmas season.

    I don't know if it was intentional, but I find it interesting that the only letter distinguishing the acronym of the ACLU and the ACLJ is the letter ''J,'' which stands for ''Justice.''

    To me, it also stands for ''Jesus,'' without whom there would be no Christmas at all.

J can also stand for "Joint", as in "someone get this guy a Joint; he's gone fucking crazy". It can also stand for "Jackass", and "Jerk", as in "that Jackass sounds like a total Jerk," just for example... not that I'd call Chuck Norris anything like that, of course.

Here, Chuck discusses the "Chuck Norris Facts" lists that were funny about a year ago:

    Alleged Chuck Norris Fact: "There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live." It's funny. It's cute. But here's what I really think about the theory of evolution: It's not real. It is not the way we got here. In fact, the life you see on this planet is really just a list of creatures God has allowed to live. We are not creations of random chance. We are not accidents. There is a God, a Creator, who made you and me. We were made in His image, which separates us from all other creatures.

Poor Chimpanzees.... God only made them 98.5% in his image. God must hate chimpanzees.

It Is Not A War on Terror is not a `war on terror.' Terror is a weapon of choice for extremists who are trying to destabilize regimes and [through] a small group of clerics, impose their dark vision on all the people they can control. So `war on terror' is a problem for me.

Oh, so now you tell us ? Thanks Don.

Start Your iPods

What the hell...

  1. Neutral Milk Hotel - Ghost
  2. Talking Heads - New Feeling (live)
  3. Blonde Redhead - Oh James
  4. Led Zeppelin - The Rover
  5. Stereolab - Motoroller Scalatron
  6. The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers
  7. Miles Davis - Bluing
  8. Fleetwood Mac - Blue Letter
  9. The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun
  10. Mercury Rev- Opus 40. I hate Mercury Rev.

Let the week begin.