Category Archives: Japan 06

Bye bye, USA

Here's a glacier:

Nikon D100, 75-240mm

Here's some sea ice along Alaska's western coast:

Nikon D100, 18-35mm

It goes on forever:

Nikon D100, 18-35mm

Here's some unidentified island, wrapped in ice, with a few thin clouds overhead:

Nikon D100, 18-35mm

But how do I know that's Alaska? This is how:

Nikon D100, 18-35mm

Soon, we will arrive (8 hours of flight time down, 6 to go).

What's that?

Nikon D100, 18-35mm's just some squiggly thing (a river ? ) ... in uninhabited central Alaska.

Nikon D100, 18-35mm

More squiggly things and a runway of some kind ... also in uninhabited central Alaska.

Say, what's the weather like outside?

Nikon D100, 18-35mm

Brrr... chilly.

Where You At?

No posting for a week? Something must be going on.

Here's a hint. This is what I was looking at last Monday morning at 11:00 am:

Sony p100

Recognize that skyline? It's NYC.

Here's what I was looking at about 2 hours later.

Sony p100

Recognize that? I know, the clouds make it difficult. Here's a hint: it's named after the same guy as that big river that runs around Manhattan island...

It's the Hudson Bay, partially frozen. It's in Canada. That's the 30,000 foot view.

More to come.