Cleek’s Law

Today’s conservatism is the opposite of what liberals want today, updated daily.


original post.

15 thoughts on “Cleek’s Law”

  1. Okay, someone gave me the heads up and this is the first time I’ve ever heard this term, yet I’ve been championing this theory all over the Internet.

    I noticed that certain people always react to the news that Black people don’t like something, by doing more of it. My example was a few years ago during the Jenna Six incident with the nooses. Having found out that black people were outraged by that, certain people die die that they would humiliate and terrorize black people by hanging nooses everywhere. Anytime a White person got angry with a black person they knew- hang a noose near them somewhere.

    The same thing with the Confederate flags placed on church properties, behavior that was never commit before but after hearing how much black people dislike it, started happening a lot.

    At any rate, I’m glad I know what to call this now

  2. “Cleek’s law” is actually a restatement of a Groucho Marx-ism: “Whatever he’s for, I’m against it!” (“Horsefeathers,” I really don’t know how it came to be ascribed to me, although I’ve endorsed it wholeheartedly for many years. “Cleek’s Law No.2” which similarly, and more specifically neutralizes the two sides of the “gun control debate,” is, “No people whose government deprives them of the means of overthrowing it can ever consider themselves free.”

    [ed. for the record, the author of this comment and the person who runs this blog are not the same person.]

    1. ” means of overthrowing it”
      voting rights, peacable assembly, speech (also, enough reasonably wise well-intentioned people)

      1. Are you absolutely sure? Positive?
        I’m relatively sure I’m not you, but with all the fake news these days, who knows?

        No. “Cleek’s Law” is definitely something I could have said and did say in other ways many times over, but I had no idea there was such a thing as a “Cleek’s Law” until a few people asked me I was “that Cleek.” I assured them I wasn’t. All in all, though, given the rarity of the name, we’re probably related somehow. Keep well, Cousin.

        1. uh oh. busted.

          i must admit i stole the name. well, not directly – it’s the noise an old-fashioned film camera makes when the shutter snaps and the film winds to the next frame. specifically, it’s what i heard Cartman say when the Costa Rican prostitute told him ‘why don’t you take a picture, man?’ and then Cartman holds up an imaginary camera and says “ok, cleeeek“.

          this was a photo blog for the first couple of weeks, so i thought the name fit.


          didn’t know it was a surname for a long time.

          i promise i will only use it for good.

  3. But, don’t make the mistake of believing that conservatives will simply choose a position equal-distance away from moderate. Hell no. No, they choose positions far to the right of wherever liberals currently reside, and today, liberals reside near the center of the political spectrum, giving Conservatives the range to venture to the far-right.

    As society rebounds leftward, so will conservatives move toward the center. They simply cannot move any further right; they’ll fall off the edge of their flat Earth.

  4. its a telling thing. todays conservs attacking todays moderates (yesterdays conservatives) as ‘liberal’. had secretly question Reagan’s policies on education as sowing for new GOPers, but now see the fields of fruit, it must have been the true plan after all. left the party, rather it left me, lincoln, teddy, ike…decades ago. may the GOP go the way of the Whigs.

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