
Coming this summer, Kelsey Grammer shits on his legacy* with the launch of his new network: RIGHTNETWORK.

As the show previews on this site make clear, this network is going to be a full-time celebration of reactionary Republicanism; a.k.a. 25% GOP cheerleading and 75% bad jokes about the evil liberals. For example, in the "Politics & Poker" trailer, manly men are playing poker and talking politics ("I like the Tea Party movement because it makes liberals crazy!" hah!), TV wife comes in with snacks and helpfully points out that the snacks on the right are pigs in blankets, while the snacks on the left are "tofu in sleeping bags". Zing!

And lest you be fooled by the promises of "open-minded" discussion sprinkled throughout the trailers, here's what you get when you click the "About" link:

RIGHTNETWORK, an independently-owned media company, launches on television, web and mobile in 2010. Our mission is clear: to entertain, engage, and enlighten Americans who are looking for content that reflects and reinforces their perspective and worldview. RIGHTNETWORK will consistently impact the political and cultural discussions of Americans.
Accessible anywhere, anytime, from every device.

[my bold]

Seems like open minds are the last thing you'll encounter when your explicitly-stated mission is to tell people that what they already think is correct. Though I'm open to the idea that my mind is perhaps just too closed to the marvels of "conservative" thought to understand ...

* - OK, "his legacy" might be too grand. How about "...shits on sitcom lover's memories of charmingly-pompous Frasier Crane, and the murderous clown, Sideshow Bob...".

7 thoughts on “RightThink

  1. The Modesto Kid

    But, what legacy? The guy is a sitcom actor right, with one extremely successful show and one moderately successful one behind him, and I guess probably a few movies… did he do something else I donĀ“t know about, that would qualify him for a legacy?

  2. cleek

    but but but but… Frasier !

    Frasier: Boy, I never felt so low in my life.
    Cliff: Well, Doc, if it means anything to you, I’m here for you.
    Frasier: It doesn’t, Cliff, but thanks.

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