Masculinity: You're Doing It Wrong

Just the thought of earning less than their wives is enough to make some men in the US switch their vote from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, a study suggests.

Pollsters found that reminding men about gender issues, specifically whether they earned more or less than their partner, led to a huge 24-point swing away from the female presidential candidate to the male alternative.

The matter did not seem to be divided along party lines – there was no such shift among participants asked to choose between Mr Trump and Democrat runner Bernie Sanders.

Instead, the survey suggests large numbers of men who perceive a threat to their masculinity will lurch away from the idea of a female president.

The Independent

3 thoughts on “Masculinity: You're Doing It Wrong

  1. Jewish Steel


    Your wife comes home and announces she has been given a huge raise. She now makes substantially more than you! Do you:

    A: Dance naked through the neighborhood unable to contain your wild joy?

    B: Sulk and start visiting

  2. joel hanes

    Fortunately, the US electorate comprises far more women than men.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that many of them will make sure to vote for Sec. Clinton.

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