He's Not Here

On our way to Thailand, stopped after our first leg, at Dulles airport in DC, I looked at my phone and noticed I just got a new voicemail. How exciting - nobody ever calls me. The voicemail was from an officer at the IRS looking for some guy with a very African-sounding name: a name which I can't even begin to decipher since the IRS guy had a heavy Indian accent and was having a hard time pronouncing it himself. The intended recipient was being informed that he needs to contact the IRS because there are multiple Federal charges levied against him and his identity is in question. Sucks to be you!

Last night I got another call from the IRS. This one was automated, but said that the person is in violation of his (?) visa and will be deported.

If it was any other organization, I might be tempted to call them back and tell them they have the wrong number. But there's no way I'm going to step into this.

Update: h.t. Ugh, prolly a scam

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