Today In Scrabble words

"Boing" is not a Scrabble word.

"Honda" is (it's the part of the knot which makes a lasso work).

"Jato" is a Scrabble word, but seems to have no definition outside of the US military acronym "JATO". It's a good way to use a J, though. Also, "Jota" is a word, which is nice.

"Xyst" is also a Scrabble word (it's a long covered portico or tree-lined walkway).

2 thoughts on “Today In Scrabble words

  1. joel hanes

    I think “honda” in Spanish is “deep” or “steep-sided”.
    Used as a noun, it means “ravine” or “that kitchen bowl with the steep sides”.
    Thus we have the place-names La Honda “the deep ravine” and Laguna Honda “the deep lagoon” or maybe “the lagoon in the ravine”

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