Pulling Their Pork

Behold! Our national discourse!

Michelle Obama1: We can't wait for the 2012 Dem convention! We're gonna to go to Charlotte and have some good BBQ! We love North Carolina! Yay!

The Charlotte Observer2: No, there's no good BBQ here. My favorite place is in Lexington, NC - an hour north. Charlotte BBQ sucks!

Politico3: I smell a scaaannndallll!

Conservatives4: This proves, YET AGAIN, that the Obamas don't know anything about this country because they hate Hate HATE HATE America!

Full length version at MediaMatters.

  1. America's Worst Lady.
  2. Charlotte's local newspaper
  3. Us Magazine for people who think DC politicians are celebrities
  4. People who have never seen data that didn't confirm their existing opinions


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